No. The LifeVac device itself does not expire and will not need to be replaced unless used to save the life of a choking victim. The masks in your LifeVac kit should last 3 – 5 years. It is a good idea to check them annually and replace if/when necessary. The outer packaging of the masks should indicate either a date of manufacture or an expiration date – use these as a guide.
Yes, we are pleased to say that we have documented examples of hundreds of lives that have been saved using the LifeVac device despite the failure of first aid measures.
No. The LifeVac device comes with easy instructions and can be quickly mastered by anyone in an emergency. Hundreds of children have been saved by parents who have had no training.
LifeVac is not just a pump and a mask. If you were to use just these two items connected together the result would be to drive obstructions down the airway of a victim. The real magic of the LifeVac design is the patented one-way valve assembly that is fixed between the pump and mask. This valve unit (that has been tested to ensure it is safe for humans) ensures that only a measured negative force is applied, to suck the obstruction out of the victim’s airway.
Yes. LifeVac is the ideal device when first aid measures have failed or cannot be applied effectively.
The LifeVac can be used in any position. (Sitting, standing, laying down). We have had reports where moms have used the rescue device in a high chair, laying their child down on the floor, and even sitting on their lap.
Yes. Neither LifeVac nor any regulatory body in the world has ever received a report of the device causing any harm. The device has been safely used by untrained people on people ranging from 3 weeks old to 95 years of age, with no regurgitation and no injury. This has been confirmed by medical examinations post episode.
No, there are many FAKE and/or COUNTERFEIT devices available on various websites worldwide – they are ILLEGAL and DANGEROUS. We cannot stress this enough! These fake/counterfeit devices do not work, have not been through rigorous testing, do not meet the safety requirements.
Yes. LifeVac has been approved by MedSafe
The LifeVac has been tested and proven to save lives. On our site you can see it recommended by real health professionals. There are those who find it hard to believe that a simple device can be so effective and safe and so LifeVac has been misrepresented or misunderstood by individuals who have made unsubstantiated claims online, or expressed opinions that are not supported by facts or clinical evidence. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in, where anyone’s blogged opinion is immediately accepted as fact. LifeVac has a 100% success rate of removing upper airway obstructions following the failure of first aid measures, and has already saved hundreds of lives. All of our saves are documented and the device is subject to regulation in all countries in which it is used. LifeVac is also the subject of a worldwide, multi-institutional research project.
Our LifeVac kits are shipped with a selection of masks to cover all ages and sizes.
The size 2 mask is the smallest we ship with the LifeVac kit. You may have seen that in the individual mask packaging there is a reference to size 0 and 1 – these are unfortunately not compatible with the LifeVac device. (The connection on the top of the mask is too small to fit the LifeVac device.)
The size 2 mask in your kit is suitable for small children/toddlers and even infants/babies.
If you find that the size 2 mask is too big for your child, a good seal can be achieved by using one of the larger masks, rotated so that the nose end of the mask is over your child’s chin – the mask covers your child’s entire face (rather than just nose and mouth).
The LifeVac Travel Kit contains sizes 2, 3, 4, 5. The LifeVac wall-mountable Plastic Display Case contains these plus an Extra Large Mask (size 6).
(The extra large mask can be purchased as an add-on to the Travel Kit if needed)
Hall of saves